Google Family Link: After Unlocking your child’s device with parental access, how do you re-lock it?

I have been using Google Family Link recently in order to keep my child’s mobile phone online while safeguarding it against mature content.

Sometimes I have logged in to the device using the parent access code and that has brought up a question that doesn’t seem to have great answers in the manual of this software: How does one logout from the child’s device after accessing it with the family link parent code?

Here’s the answer: in order to quit accessing the child’s device as a parent, go to the Google Family Link app on the parent’s device and right beneath the circular image on the top, there should be your child’s device listed. Click on the name of the device and click on “lock”. Now the device should only be available if there is screen time left and the time is withing the allowed time limits.

3 Replies to “Google Family Link: After Unlocking your child’s device with parental access, how do you re-lock it?”

  1. Thank you! I have spent a good half an hour googling for this solution, and it’s very counterintuitive that you can unlock from the child’s device but lock only from parent’s device.

  2. This works, but it leaves the phone in a totally locked state — so the kid can’t even use any apps that I’ve given permission to use when out of time. Is there a way to revert to the regular ‘you’ve used your time’ state without completely locking it?

    1. I think you can click “unlock” on the parent’s device, which should unlock the child’s device but without parent access. Let me know if that works in your situation!

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