Examples of Brackets plus the Emmet extension

Here’s how the Emmet extension for Brackets can really speed up your workflow:

-type #mydiv and hit tab to get <div id=”mydiv”></div>
-type lorem and hit tab to get lorem ipsum text
-type #container>.col-sm-4*3 and hit tab to get
<div id=”container”>
<div class=”col-sm-4″></div>
<div class=”col-sm-4″></div>
<div class=”col-sm-4″></div>

How to draw freehand curves in Blender

Since 2.78 Blender has had the amazing capability to draw freehand curves. Here’s how you do it:

-Add a curve object (shift+ A –> curve –> bezier)
-Take it to edit mode and delete the default curve there
-Go to the “create” tab (in the left hand toolbar) and click “draw”
-You can now use your mouse to draw amazing freehand curves

Restore a WordPress site with just the Mysql-database file

Here’s how to restore a WordPress site to a new WordPress installation, perhaps at another web host:

1. Create a database, a database user and assign the user to the database. If this is too much trouble, you can use a one click installer as long as you then delete the WordPress installation files (keep a copy of the wp_config-file though) via FTP and drop all the tables from the database (doing this will give you the basic database setup).

2. Download WordPress, unzip and upload the files to the server

3. Go to your web-address and run the installation

4. OPTIONAL: If you have a backup of your old theme, upload the theme folder into the wp-content –> themes -folder and upload the “uploads” folder inside “wp-content” as well.

5. You site should now be up and running!

Activate camera fly mode in Unity

Here’s how to easily fly around your scene by using the standard wasd-keys and your mouse (like in a game):

1. Hold down the right mouse button
2. Press one of the wasd keys to move and move your mouse to turn

Additional tip: If you think that the scroll wheel zoom is jumping in too large increments, try holding down atl+right mouse button in order to dolly the camera smoothly by moving your mouse slowly.