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Two ways of adding 3d-perspective to artwork in Illustrator
In this quick video tutorial we’ll show you a couple of ways to add 3d perspective to your 2d-artwork.
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Stop toddler from opening kitchen cupboards and drawers
In our second child safety tutorial we show you a couple of easy, fast and cheap ways of keeping your child from opening kitchen cupboards and drawers.
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How to remove all lines containing a certain character in Notepad++
In this quick video we demonstrate how to fix a situation in which your data contains lines that you need to remove and these lines can be identified by a string of characters. The method is easier than what you might think, since it doesn’t envolve any regular expressions or scripts.
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Changing the homepage name in WordPress
In this basic WordPress tutorial you will learn how to change the name of your homepage inside the top navigation bar.
Blurring faces and other sensitive parts of a picture inside Google+
In this One Minute Video Tutorial we’ll show you how to make sensitive areas, like passwords or faces of people, unrecognizable in the images you upload to Google Plus. The method we use is not perfect and has only a few controls but it usually gets the job done pretty fast -and without leaving Google+ which should save us some time and effort.
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Pick a different color for the sides of an extruded 3d text in AE CS6
Blender straighten the rotation of any object
How to bend a cylinder evenly in Blender 2.6
Cylinders can be hard to work with if you try to shape them manually. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to use the simple deform modifier to create a perfectly smooth curved cylinder bend.
Continue reading “How to bend a cylinder evenly in Blender 2.6”
How to attach something to a smooth stepper motor shaft
This quick video tutorial shows you one way of attaching other parts to a stepper motor shaft that is totally smooth and has no screw holes.
Continue reading “How to attach something to a smooth stepper motor shaft”